Okay, fun round up for me, week one (feel free to chime in on the comments). I’m taking the month of February and intentionally doing one fun thing each day. Feel free to join in!
I have to say, I felt pretty happy when I looked at my list and saw all the good things I had incorporated into my life this week because I was doing this challenge. I’ve been keeping a running list and it was nice to see it all in one place. My life was better because of this challenge.
And on a week when my government is on the rocks and I am under deadline, that is saying a lot!
Here’s what I did:
I made tofu! Something I’ve been wanting to try for ages. (Remember when I said fun was personal and individual—this geeky project was perfect for me, when it might not be for anyone else). Did I accidentally boil the soy milk over and onto the stove and make a huge mess, YES, but the finished product tasted so good. It reminded me of when I lived in Japan and gave such a feeling of accomplishment. I can’t wait to do it again.

I rode my bike, for the first time in a few years! This happened by accident, when my car needed to be serviced. But pulling out my beloved bike—that I’ve ridden on many bike trips, both in the US and Asia—was like meeting an old friend. And seeing the neighborhood from that perspective was a delight. I even noticed the very first robin of spring! I love biking because it makes me feel like I’m eight years old again; such exhilaration on the downhills! To be out in the weather, interacting with the environment in a different way felt great.

I joined a birdwatching walk—something I’ve been wanting to do for a few years. One of the things I find fun is learning new stuff, and I like being out in nature, so going on a free neighborhood birdwalk was a perfect match. I learned so much! (Do you know that February is a big month for birds to couple up? They are flirting and looking about for mates right now). I came home with a notebook filled with tidbits and new eyes for the landscape and animals I live around. Love that.
Also, I have a favorite duck now (!!!). Barrow’s Golden Eye, they are so pretty. Look at those patterns on the male (left).
I am teaching myself to dance the Charleston. Why? I don’t even know, but I’ve always wanted to learn, and dancing around the kitchen in a back-and-forth bop is fun. I like to imagine myself a flapper with strings of pearls and a smooth bob (when the reality is I’m in yoga pants and just trying to get dinner cooked at the end of a day).
Speaking of dinner, I made some to share. One of my neighbors is taking care of her aging mother, now in a wheelchair and increasingly limited. I hadn’t seen them in a while—this time of year most people in Seattle are hibernating quite a bit. I thought it might be nice to offer to bring over dinner, to take one thing off my neighbor’s very full plate. I was making a Thai curry, so it was easy to make a larger batch.
When I reached out to my neighbor I learned that her mother had been hospitalized twice, and she herself was struggling with being sick. I suggested bringing over dinner and she jumped at the offer. I know this also wouldn’t necessarily be the way someone else has fun, but I like to cook, and I like to share, and I like taking care of my community and building those bonds. Someday it may be me sick and her offering.
I’ve done a few other fun things, but these feel like the highlights from this week. I’ll be back next week with more.
How about you? Did you do something intentionally fun this past week? (please share if you did!). And if not, there’s always tomorrow.
I hope you are doing well,
Something else to enjoy: my books
What struck me here were the lines like I’ve always wanted to, I’ve been meaning to. Which made me think of my own always-wanted-to list. Take a Spanish class. Go to a local Townhall meeting. Become a board member of a nonprofit. All of these feel big and overwhelming in the moment. But they are prompting me to think of perhaps smaller items I could fit in now.
4 fun things this past week: on Friday I went on a walk with a friend around our Berkeley Hills neighborhood and climbed to the top of Indian Rock. Then we explored a secret path/staircase I'd been curious about. On Saturday I attended a 2 hour walking tour hosted by Berkeley Path Wanderers https://www.berkeleypaths.org/ I'd been wanting to attend one of their walks since we moved here, but had never been able to make it until this past weekend. After the walk, my 3 yo and 5 yo neighbors came over to play with some home made spinning tops, and yesterday I bought a little solar powered gadget which suction-cups to the window and spins a glass crystal which turns the room into a rainbow disco! I'd been wanting one of these solar powered rainbow spinners for years, and am so glad I finally got one.