What struck me here were the lines like I’ve always wanted to, I’ve been meaning to. Which made me think of my own always-wanted-to list. Take a Spanish class. Go to a local Townhall meeting. Become a board member of a nonprofit. All of these feel big and overwhelming in the moment. But they are prompting me to think of perhaps smaller items I could fit in now.
I love that you pointed that out--I hadn't noticed it.
I think we all have things that are on the extended want-to-do list and we don't often get around to them, unless something happens to force the focus.
Wish we lived closer together, I would totally go to a town hall meeting with you 😊
This is so hopeful and affirming! I'm going to try the 'have fun' challenge too and see where it takes me. It's way to easy to focus on the other side of things and forget to have some fun! Thank you!!
Any chance we could get the tofu recipe, please? I tried making it a couple of times with horrific results and would love to try a recipe someone's had success with.
Thank you! It was fun to see it all as a group and realize how good it had made the week. There is plenty enough that is not good right now, I'm trying to counterbalance.
I used the recipe from Asian Tofu, the cookbook by Andrea Nguyen (she is really great about recipe testing for all her books). I also watched some videos on YouTube, to get a sense of the work flow and the different stages (and I'm used to making ricotta cheese, which is a similar though more simple process). The recipes are all pretty basic (I did a small batch with one cup of soybeans, just to make sure I liked the final product). The big question is what you use as a coagulant (to make the soy milk curdle), as there are a few options. I used epsom salts, simply because I had that in the house, but I would like to experiment with other options. If you look at Nguyen's book she explains how they yield different types of tofu.
My biggest challenge was not understanding what size pots I should use for what (and thus the boil over). I feel like it probably takes two or three times to get the hang of it, but I love having this as a skill--and the tofu is really good! Also, fresh soymilk ❤️ 😊
4 fun things this past week: on Friday I went on a walk with a friend around our Berkeley Hills neighborhood and climbed to the top of Indian Rock. Then we explored a secret path/staircase I'd been curious about. On Saturday I attended a 2 hour walking tour hosted by Berkeley Path Wanderers https://www.berkeleypaths.org/ I'd been wanting to attend one of their walks since we moved here, but had never been able to make it until this past weekend. After the walk, my 3 yo and 5 yo neighbors came over to play with some home made spinning tops, and yesterday I bought a little solar powered gadget which suction-cups to the window and spins a glass crystal which turns the room into a rainbow disco! I'd been wanting one of these solar powered rainbow spinners for years, and am so glad I finally got one.
Oh my gosh, I love your fun week! Those Berkeley staircases are great, aren't they? I had a friend who lived in Kensington (not far off Solano) and I loved exploring that whole hillside when I stayed with her. And little neighbors! (I'm bringing chocolate chip banana bread I made over to my little neighbors today) and your own rainbow disco! It all sounds delightful. Thanks so much for sharing with me!
I can't wait to see what you do for this week 😊❤️ (no pressure! Ha!).
What struck me here were the lines like I’ve always wanted to, I’ve been meaning to. Which made me think of my own always-wanted-to list. Take a Spanish class. Go to a local Townhall meeting. Become a board member of a nonprofit. All of these feel big and overwhelming in the moment. But they are prompting me to think of perhaps smaller items I could fit in now.
I love that you pointed that out--I hadn't noticed it.
I think we all have things that are on the extended want-to-do list and we don't often get around to them, unless something happens to force the focus.
Wish we lived closer together, I would totally go to a town hall meeting with you 😊
This is so hopeful and affirming! I'm going to try the 'have fun' challenge too and see where it takes me. It's way to easy to focus on the other side of things and forget to have some fun! Thank you!!
Any chance we could get the tofu recipe, please? I tried making it a couple of times with horrific results and would love to try a recipe someone's had success with.
Thank you! It was fun to see it all as a group and realize how good it had made the week. There is plenty enough that is not good right now, I'm trying to counterbalance.
I used the recipe from Asian Tofu, the cookbook by Andrea Nguyen (she is really great about recipe testing for all her books). I also watched some videos on YouTube, to get a sense of the work flow and the different stages (and I'm used to making ricotta cheese, which is a similar though more simple process). The recipes are all pretty basic (I did a small batch with one cup of soybeans, just to make sure I liked the final product). The big question is what you use as a coagulant (to make the soy milk curdle), as there are a few options. I used epsom salts, simply because I had that in the house, but I would like to experiment with other options. If you look at Nguyen's book she explains how they yield different types of tofu.
My biggest challenge was not understanding what size pots I should use for what (and thus the boil over). I feel like it probably takes two or three times to get the hang of it, but I love having this as a skill--and the tofu is really good! Also, fresh soymilk ❤️ 😊
I'd love to hear if you give it a try!
4 fun things this past week: on Friday I went on a walk with a friend around our Berkeley Hills neighborhood and climbed to the top of Indian Rock. Then we explored a secret path/staircase I'd been curious about. On Saturday I attended a 2 hour walking tour hosted by Berkeley Path Wanderers https://www.berkeleypaths.org/ I'd been wanting to attend one of their walks since we moved here, but had never been able to make it until this past weekend. After the walk, my 3 yo and 5 yo neighbors came over to play with some home made spinning tops, and yesterday I bought a little solar powered gadget which suction-cups to the window and spins a glass crystal which turns the room into a rainbow disco! I'd been wanting one of these solar powered rainbow spinners for years, and am so glad I finally got one.
Oh my gosh, I love your fun week! Those Berkeley staircases are great, aren't they? I had a friend who lived in Kensington (not far off Solano) and I loved exploring that whole hillside when I stayed with her. And little neighbors! (I'm bringing chocolate chip banana bread I made over to my little neighbors today) and your own rainbow disco! It all sounds delightful. Thanks so much for sharing with me!
I can't wait to see what you do for this week 😊❤️ (no pressure! Ha!).