Loved reading this Tara xo

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Thank you so much, Pip!

I am always thinking of how, for some of you, this isn't heading into autumn season at all. I hope you are getting excited about spring 😘😘

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That lunchbox 😍 (who are the characters on it?)

P.S. I hope you’re feeling fully recovered from Covid…

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Thanks so much, Margaret (getting there with the Covid). And the lunch boxes are Peanuts/Snoopy characters. I was a total Lucy :-)

I hope you have been doing well!

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Oh no... my husband came down with Covid about 5 weeks ago, and it took a full 3 weeks before he was feeling better.

We are still drowning in moving boxes and trying to figure out places for everything in our funny little 1920 bungalow, but we are definitely enjoying Berkeley. I adore all the old houses with funky gardens and can't wait to get started on my own garden... we can start once our house is repainted at the end of this month.

I hope you feel better soon!!

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That photo!!!!

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Haha! Pretty funny, eh?

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Yes! I'm gonna work on my fizzy feeling, too. Reminds me of when I fell in love with my husband...maybe I will do that all over again. :) And I love that photo!

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I was thinking recently about the kind of electric sensation that came with everything going-back-to-school: new clothes, new PeeChees and pencils, new teachers, new routines, all that made the season so invigorating. I love this idea of finding the fizz. Years ago, maybe a decade or so, I randomly signed up for a watercolor class at Gage Academy with no artistic experience at all. I loved it so much, everyone in class was a practiced artist of some kind, I followed along at my own skill level and had the very best time. Absolutely nothing to lose and so much to gain.

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This is beautiful. I just started a new job so I am definitely getting that fizzy feeling pretty often!

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A new job is the ultimate fizzy feeling! Always a bit of a learning curve, eh? I hope it is all going well for you.

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Thank you for sharing your awesome thoughts and experiences !! 💕

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